以下引用valleyforge在2005-2-10 16:13:20的发言: planetarium <- 梦美显然说的是这个 planetarian <- 见23楼
这两个都是英文, 含义不同
プ ラ ネ タ リ ウ ム pu ra ne ta ri u mu -> planetarium |
And yes, I know the difference between the two words, I merely laboured under the misapprehension that the two
were confused, and it appears that they were not, after all. In this case, I agree with your assessment, and indeed
the titular Planetarian may well refer to Yumemi. I concede the point humbly.
我是政委。 我对苏维埃效忠。 苏维埃清洗一次反动力量。 当所有反动力量被铲除后,宇宙将会达到完美。
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Знамя советское, знамя народное
Пусть от победы к победе ведёт!