今天在看fate/stay night看到第4集,发现在08:55到09:51时背景里的那首歌很耳熟,觉得有点象Lacrimosa,打在MP3一听,地确是。希望这个发现不火星
Lacrimosa是一组叫Dies Irae的安魂曲中的一首(Dies Irae是13世纪的东西)
左边是拉丁文 右边是英文译名
Dies Irae - Day of wrath
Tuba mirum - Hark the trumpet
Liber scriptus - Now the record
Quid sum miser - What affliction
Rex tremendae - King of Glories
Recordare - Ah! remember
Ingemisco - Sadly groaning
Confutatis - From the accursed
Lacrimosa - Ah! what weeping
Lacrimosa dies illa,
Qua resurget ex favilla
Judicandus homo reus.
Huic ergo parce, Deus:
Pie Jesu Domine:
Dona eis requiem. Amen.
That day is one of weeping,
on which shall rise again from the ashes
the guilty man, to be judged.
Therefore spare this one, O God,
merciful Lord Jesus:
Give them rest. Amen.
We are the Borg.You will be

.Resistance is futile