(同人音楽) [Kanon+AIR+アトラク=ナクア] 5/4TAKEPOD - Stake-out Prison(MP3)
01-pure snows -Tittering Mix-
02-理 -Diddle Mix-
03-Throwing into the banquet -Wamble Mix-
04-冬の花火 -Bravura Mix-
05-夢語り -Faited Fail Mix-
06-Calm time -Poppo Mix-
07-2 steps toward -Pod Konamix-
08-ふたり -Frazzle Mix-
09-Red tint -Infected Frame-
10-木々の声と日々のざわめき -House re-Mix-
11-回想録 -Piano+α Mix-
12-Weeping Cause -blues taste-
13-残光 -S/O Mix-
14-銀色 -Duck's Laughter-
15-Atlach_nacha -Pas De Deux-
16-風の辿り着く場所 -Takepod talk-
[Privilege==1]ftp://Chris.clannad.com:@同人音楽) [Kanon+AIR+アトラク=ナクア] 5/4TAKEPOD - Stake-out Prison.zip[/Privilege]
It is the law in the world.
You have to present something in order to obtain something.
——Scoula comunale dimusica - Piova