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good news and bad news

[ 10559 查看 / 14 回复 ]
animenfo is a very famous anime infor site.Now you can see Air has been listed at the top of 2004's anime category.It's the good news.But the Bad news is no infor about that serie is showed.So most anime fans won't be able to know what's that anime.Now your mission is to submit a story Description and user rating.Make it happen!
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We are the Borg.You will be is futile

回复:good news and bad news

以下引用xixidj在2004-5-19 15:00:36的发言:

There are three Air English translation project.But they dead ALL!The translator of Wind a breath of heart is in the same channel as I'm.So please finish  Air Chinese translation  project then I can make the English translation.May be I'll be the first person who translat that famous hgame into English
We are the Borg.You will be is futile