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Some help for kirikiri2

[ 10983 查看 / 9 回复 ]

I'm sorry, I'm not good at typing chinese...
I need to spend a whole day long to type this whole passage...

After reading the 吉里吉里2教程集合帖, I still don't really get it.

I would like to have some examples of kirikiri2 made games with the scenario file so that I can learn how to write my script from it.
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回复: Some help for kirikiri2

The thing I want is "kirikiri2 made games with the scenario file" like I said in my passage
A game made by kirikiri2 and it's scenario file.
That's what I want.
Sorry for I didn't write my passage clearly.
I'm too lazy.

回复 2F Koori 的帖子

It's totally ok.
I'm not that good in english. It's good to have a guy to correct my english.
But just that after your correction, the meaning went different, and that's where my passage seems to make no sense. That's all because of my laziness.
I did't write my english on web seriously. So mistakes come out recently.
Anyway, thx for your help.


回复:Some help for kirikiri2

Thanks ALOT!!!
This helps me alot.
btw, What is [backlay] and [advl]?
What is [current layer="message0" page="back"]?

And what is the KAG-document u mentioned?
Where can I find it?
最后编辑logenkeller 最后编辑于 2010-01-13 00:41:45

回复 8F Koori 的帖子

I would like to have a copy of Zh-Cn version of the KAG-DOC.

And again, it's

回复:Some help for kirikiri2

Thanks alot for the KAG-DOC.
And all the things you did for me. [ this line is actually here to increase the number of words......]