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how can i play chapter summer?

[ 5447 查看 / 15 回复 ]

7 Air的任务完成

can please explain it? i dont get it
i finished chapter dream, then nothing happened returned me to the welcome screen
the ending is like 往人 disappered, 观铃 was looking for him?

and for the options in game, i just choiced it the way the way i felt like.(is this okay?)

i really like air
air is the best game ive ever played,
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回复:how can i play chapter summer?

i'm no sure if i can answer you in english....
if you finished the chapter of 美风 and 加乃?
have a good time in air.

how can i select 美风 and 加乃?
i clicked on new game, and selected dream
where can i find 美风 and 加乃?

回复:how can i play chapter summer?

and i can understand chinese, say it in chinese if ur chinese is better than ur eng ~

回复:how can i play chapter summer?

you may only got the ending of misuzu,
ending of other characters (conna & minagi) is require,
play chapter "dream" again and try different choice.

english's so poor, excuse.

thank you, at first i thought my setup files has some problem, so i downloaded 3 different clients
it didnt help, so i asked here

回复:how can i play chapter summer?

thanks for the book