Flechette gun/榴弹发射器
Instead of firing traditional slugs or bullets, these guns fire myriad small steel arrow-like projectiles.
These have the advantages of superior armor-piercing capability, lower weight, and lower bulk.
The US army did do some field tests with prototype flechette guns, but as of now the guns are smooth-bore
(meaning that they have little range and even less accuracy) and there were problems with ammunition jamming.
In the world of planetarian, flechette guns are highly-accurate, long-ranged weapons; on top of that,
flechette cartridges in this world are packed with high explosive that detonates upon penetration, making the
flechettes that much more deadly.
不像传统枪支发射弹丸,Flechette gun发射大量的钢针状投射物,其具有优越的穿甲性,更轻的重量,以及更小的体积。美
军曾经进过Flechette gun原形的战地实测,但当今Flechette gun已变成”滑膛枪“了(被淘汰,它们射程短,精确度低)而
在planetarian的世界里,Flechette gun是具有高精确度,长射程,其弹头还带高爆弹药可在穿甲后爆炸。
4.2 Carl Zeiss - Jena GmbH
One of the oldest and most-respected companies in the field of traditional optics, founded in 1846, split into
two parts in 1945 after the fall of Germany at the end of World War II, and re-integrated as one whole in the
1990's after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the eventual reunification of Germany. Carl Zeiss - Jena was the
company that developed the first modern planetarium, in 1923. The "Zeiss-style" projectors used to power these
planetaria were huge, bulky, and incredibly complex; they used two strobe spheres to project the fixed stars
onto the dome. Later "Spitz-style" projectors were far less expensive, and only utilized one sphere.
What is interesting is that when Germany was divided into East and West Germany after World War II, Carl Zeiss
itself split into two parts -- Carl Zeiss - Oberkochen GmbH in West Germany and VEB Carl Zeiss - Jena in East
Germany. The name Carl Zeiss - Jena GmbH was therefore only used before this split. In other words, the
planetarium projector depicted in planetarian could have been installed no later than 1945 -- making it an
incredibly old projector by anyone's standards.
Carl Zeiss - Jena GmbH/卡尔蔡斯
更加有趣的是当德国战败被分为东西德时,Carl Zeiss公司自己也分成了2部分:在西德的 -- Carl Zeiss - Oberkochen
GmbH,和在东德的VEB Carl Zeiss - Jena。Carl Zeiss - Jena GmbH这个名字只在公司分裂前用过。换句话说在planetarian游
http://www.zeisshistorica.org/ 蔡斯的的历史
星象仪 http://www.clarkfoundation.org/astro-utah/vondel/planetarium.html
We are the Borg.You will be

.Resistance is futile